Public Meeting at Flight 93 NM for Deer Management at National Parks of Western Pennsylvania
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Mar 11, 2025 6:30 PM 8:00 PM EST Flight 93 National Memorial Learning Center
123 Ring Road
Stoystown, Pennsylvania 15563
(814) 893-6322

The National Park Service (NPS) is in the
early stages of preparing a white-tailed
deer management plan for Flight 93
National Memorial, Fort Necessity National
Battlefield, and Friendship Hill National
Historic Site in western Pennsylvania.
Through the planning process, the NPS will
analyze alternatives for managing deer in
the parks. Following an evaluation of the
environmental impacts and an additional
opportunity for public comment, the NPS
will select an alternative for implementation.

Please join park staff and planners to learn about the project. NPS will host two
informational public meetings about this phase of the planning process and each includes a virtual attendance option via Microsoft Teams.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:
Learning Center at Flight 93 National Memorial.
123 Ring Road, Stoystown, Pa. 15563

The park entrance is: Flight 93 National Memorial 6424 Lincoln Highway, Stoystown, Pa.
Follow signs to the Learning Center (2.5 miles from entrance). Please park in the Visitor Center parking lot.

URL/Webinar link:

Public Meeting at Fort Necessity NB for Deer Management at National Parks of Western Pennsylvania
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Mar 12, 2025 6:30 PM 8:00 PM EST Fort Necessity National Battlefield Visitor Center
1 Washington Parkway
Farmington, Pennsylvania 15437
(724) 329-5805
The National Park Service (NPS) is in the
early stages of preparing a white-tailed
deer management plan for Flight 93
National Memorial, Fort Necessity National
Battlefield, and Friendship Hill National
Historic Site in western Pennsylvania.
Through the planning process, the NPS will
analyze alternatives for managing deer in
the parks. Following an evaluation of the
environmental impacts and an additional
opportunity for public comment, the NPS
will select an alternative for implementation.

Please join park staff and planners to learn about the project. NPS will host two
informational public meetings about this phase of the planning process and each includes a virtual attendance option via Microsoft Teams.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:

URL/Webinar link: