Sunrise Visitation Management

Haleakalā National Park » Sunrise Visitation Management » Document List

Sunrise viewing at the summit of Haleakalā is a top visitor attraction on Maui. Pre-dawn through sunrise is the busiest time of day and there is an ongoing, steady, and significant increase in sunrise visitation. We are currently reviewing sunrise operations and looking at ways the park can be good stewards of the land and ensure that park visitors have a safe and enjoyable sunrise experience, while also being good neighbors to the local community. We request input regarding your experience and suggestions about sunrise operations, ​including​ in the areas of: Safety, Stewardship of natural and cultural resources, Impacts to local communities, Impacts to local ​economy, Visitor Enjoyment,​ Other.

Please click on "Open For Comment" on the left to provide feedback. Then open the folder in the middle of the page. You will be able to download the document for review. Leave comments by clicking the "comment" button. Thank you.

Documents may be added at a later date. Comments on the EA are accepted Jan. 12 - Feb. 20, 2018. Comments can be provided here electronically, can be mailed to the park, or left in person for the official record at a public meeting. Thank you.

Contact Information

Linette King