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Please drop your comment form into the comment box or submit by mail no later than February 26, 2011 to: Superintendent, Jefferson National Expansion Memorial 11 North 4th Street, St. Louis, Missouri 63102 Comments may also be submitted through February 26, 2011 online at: www.nps.gov/jeff. Jefferson National Expansion Memorial 1. What do you value about the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial? 2. How does this design respect what you value about the Memorial? 3. What concerns do you have about the future of the Memorial? 4. Are there any other comments you would like to share with the National Park Service or the designers? For comments to be considered, please complete the following: Name: _____________________________________ Address: ____________________________________ City: _______________________________________ State: ______________ Zip: ________________ Please make every effort to withhold my personal information d01 8Newsletter TitleBlk. band-"NPS/DOI"",11Th "$b          !"#$'(,9"D "H "01 "l"F$l          !"#$'(*,9"D "H "  014"aE$ "$v          !"#$'(*,9"D "H "  014"g11(8z|| 6 "l"F$*D "\   4"aEF  portunity to offer your input on the updated design concept by MVVA. For your comments to be considerH   "$&(*,.02468:<>@BDFHJLNPRTVpTV<pr " n r     2  " "|X" X" "2 p r t @ B D (*,.0"4" TVpv& "" $     *,9">" " >" D ".  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