Open Ocean Trustee Implementation Group Draft Restoration Plan 1 and Environmental Assessment

The Draft Restoration Plan 1 and Environmental Assessment TIG proposes three preferred alternatives from the Bird and Sturgeon restoration types, at a total estimated cost of $16 million. The preferred alternatives include restoration of common loons in Minnesota through conservation easements or fee title acquisitions of loon nesting habitat, breeding habitat enhancements, and reduction in exposure to lead-based fishing tackle; restoration of black terns in the prairie pothole region of North Dakota and South Dakota through conservation easements of black tern nesting habitat; a feasibility study for the restoration of American white pelican in Minnesota Lake, Minnesota; and characterizing Gulf sturgeon spawning habitat, habitat use and origins of juvenile sturgeon in the Pearl and Pascagoula River Systems in Louisiana and Mississippi. The Open Ocean TIG also considered four additional alternatives, as well as the no action alternative in the Draft RP1/EA. One or more alternatives may be selected for implementation by the Open Ocean TIG in the Final RP1/EA or in future restoration plans.
Comment Period: Closed        Oct 9, 2018 - Nov 9, 2018
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