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Rehabilitate Marina Bulkheads at Flamingo

Everglades National Park » Rehabilitate Marina Bulkheads at Flamingo » Document List

The National Park Service (NPS) announces the release of the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Flamingo Marina Bulkheads Rehabilitation Project within Everglades National Park. You are invited to submit written comments on the EA through June 9. The EA is available in the "Document List" or "Open For Comment" on the left side of the page.

The NPS and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District (USACE) are developing a multimillion-dollar project to replace failing seawall bulkheads, walkways, and aging amenities at the Flamingo Marina. Funded by the Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA), this project aims to create an optimal visitor experience and improve safety while minimizing impacts on park resources.

Flamingo is one of the most popular areas of the park for visitors and offers a wide range of activities and access to wilderness and backcountry areas. The Flamingo Marina facilities provide berthing and launching for visitors operating private watercraft; concession managed tour boats, rental fishing and house boats, and canoes and kayaks; commercially guided recreational fishing boats; and vessels for park operations. Visible sections of existing seawall caps and pilings are cracking and breaking due to rusting and expanding reinforcing steel, and in some cases, causing potential tripping hazards for visitors and staff.

The EA evaluates a No Action alternative and two Action alternatives, describes the affected environment, and assesses the environmental consequences of implementing each alternative. Under the No Action alternative, only routine maintenance and emergency repairs would occur and the aging bulkheads, walkways, and amenities would continue to deteriorate and possibly fail. Alternative B would involve replacing the bulkheads using the "hydraulic impact hammer" method. Alternative C, the NPS preferred alternative, would be to replace the bulkheads using the "hard ground press-in method."

The EA, which has been prepared in accordance with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations (40 CFR Part 1507), also describes and analyzes the adverse effects from the proposed undertaking to expand the width of the bulkhead concrete caps and demolish the Flamingo Maintenance Marina Bay boat shelter, a contributing resource to the Flamingo Mission 66 Developed Area Historic District. In accordance with National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 regulations (36 CFR 800.6(a)(4)), you are invited to express your views on resolving adverse effects of the undertaking.

Infrastructure funding from GAOA is part of a concerted effort to address the extensive deferred maintenance and repair backlog in national parks. Supported by revenue from energy development, GAOA's Legacy Restoration Fund provides up to $1.3 billion per year for five years to the NPS to make significant enhancements in national parks to ensure their preservation and provide opportunities for recreation, education, and enjoyment for current and future visitors.

Thank you for your interest and participation. We look forward to hearing from you!

Pedro M. Ramos

Contact Information

Daniel Noon, 305-242-7717