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Construct New West Entrance Station Project - Environmental Assessment

Joshua Tree National Park » Construct New West Entrance Station Project - Environmental Assessment » Document List

Update: 3/25/22
Pacific West Regional Director approved the Finding of No Significant Impact. With this approval the compliance for the project has been completed and project implementation can go forward. See FONSI in the "Documents List" tab.
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Update: 2/9/22
Joshua Tree National Park requests the public to review and comment on the Construct West Entrance Fee Station Environmental Assessment. Comments are due on March 11, 2022. Click on the "Open for Comment" tab to submit comments.

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Joshua Tree National Park is proposing to construct a new West Entrance Fee Station in order to resolve longstanding issues including: long traffic back-up outside the park boundary causing blocking of private driveways and neighborhood streets adjacent to the West Entrance boundary; excessive wait times for entrance; inefficient fee collection; and unsafe working conditions for park staff.

Specifically, the project would demolish the existing West Entrance fee booth located just inside the park boundary located on Park Boulevard, and construct a new fee station approximately 0.5 miles further into the park. The new fee station would include: construction of 3 inbound travel lanes thru the fee station, construction of four new tandem (two per island) fee collection kiosks with curbed islands and connecting walkways and shade structures to cover the fee kiosks; a staff comfort station/breakroom; and 9-space staff parking lot.

The proposed new entrance fee station is located in an undeveloped desert setting. For setting compatibility, two key design concepts will be part of the planning of the building and structures. First, the complex will be off-grid for electricity and data. The complex will be powered by a solar PV array with battery storage and data communication will be via satellite. Second, the building architecture is uniquely compatible with desert dwellings built mid-century. The complex will be compatible, yet unique, to other mid-century modern buildings associated with the park's historical landscapes and buildings.

The park is preparing an Environmental Assessment and is seeking public scoping comments on the proposed action.

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