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Proposed Recreational Fee Increases
Apostle Islands National Lakeshore » Proposed Recreational Fee Increases » Document List
Most of the current park fees have been in place since 2007. Overnight camping and mooring at park docks, currently $10 and $20, would increase to $15 and $30. Interpretive program fees for adults and families, currently $3 and $8, would increase to $5 and $10. Parking at Meyers Beach, currently $3 and $5, would increase to $5 and $8. There would be no change in the interpretive fee for children under 16 years of age ($3). The $5 per person ice cave event fee instituted earlier this year would also not change.
Responding to popular demand, the park is also joining in 2016, an online camping reservation system, which will allow people to make reservations and print their camping permits without coming to the park visitor center. There will be a new $10 per reservation fee for this service.
Contact Information
Bob Krumenaker, 715-779-3398, x101Julie Van Stappen, 715-779-3398, x102