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Quagga/Zebra Mussel Comprehensive Management Plan
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area » Quagga/Zebra Mussel Comprehensive Management Plan » Document List
The Quagga-Zebra Mussel Management Plan (QZMP) is needed to help the NPS decide what tools are appropriate to support the ongoing management of invasive mussels in Glen Canyon now that quagga mussels are present in Lake Powell. The QZMP will consider changes to the existing prevention and monitoring efforts, and would include analysis of potential control, containment, and other park management actions. The plan will also consider options for providing a sustainable funding source.
The NPS has used a variety of tools to support extensive mussel prevention efforts for several years. This has included education efforts, monitoring, and inspection, decontamination, and quarantine of incoming boats as necessary. The NPS is seeking input to help develop the QZMP during the public scoping period from February 3 - March 7, 2014.