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Thomas A. Edison Park Change of Program of Utilization
Federal Lands to Parks National Program » Thomas A. Edison Park Change of Program of Utilization » Document List
The property deed requires that the property must be used and maintained for the public purposes for which it was conveyed in perpetuity, i.e., public parks and recreation, as set forth in the Program of Utilization (POU) and plan contained in the application, submitted by the County on February 11, 1964. The deed reserved the right of reversion to the United States if the land was no longer used or needed for public parks and recreation, or for other noncompliance with the terms of the deed. The POU limits the use of the land to public parks and recreation. Since the time of transfer, the park has been used as a county park providing for a variety of recreation, including baseball, soccer, playground areas, and other active and passive recreational activities.
Middlesex County (County) in New Jersey is requesting the National Park Service (NPS) to amend the Program of Utilization (POU) agreement between the NPS and the County for Thomas A Edison Park in Edison Township. The agreement, along with the Middlesex County Thomas A. Edison Park deed, forms the contract by which the property was conveyed and with which the recipient must comply. A recipient may propose an amendment to the POU for public park and recreation use that is different than the recreation use proposed in the original application for the property. Any amendments for different recreational use must be approved by the NPS. The final decision to amend the POU is made by the NPS based on consistency with the park and recreation purposes for which the property was conveyed and the terms of the deed.
This Environmental Assessment (EA) examines potential effects on public access and the natural and built environment resulting from the proposed redevelopment of Thomas A. Edison Park (the Project) located in the Township of Edison, Middlesex County, New Jersey. The EA aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Project, evaluate the alternatives, identify potential environmental consequences, and suggest mitigation for possible adverse environmental impacts, if applicable.
The Middlesex County Office of Engineering, has prepared this EA through a consultant in adherence to the requirements and guidance of NEPA (42 U.S.C. §§ 4321 et seq.). Middlesex County is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in the EA.
You are invited to submit written comments on the EA through September 3. The EA is available in the "Document List" or "Open For Comment" on the left side of the page.
Contact Information
Diane Keith617-981-2154