Scenic Vista Management Plan

Yosemite National Park » Scenic Vista Management Plan » Document List

There is a need to restore vistas that made Yosemite world famous and created memorable experiences for millions of inhabitants and visitors. Prescribed burns and planned ignitions have benefitted the park in many ways, including clearing undergrowth that has blocked vistas. However, dense vegetation still obscures many vistas.

The purpose of the Scenic Vista Programmatic Management Plan Environmental Assessment (EA) is to develop a systematic program to document, protect, and restore Yosemite's important viewing areas and vistas, using methods that that do not conflict with the natural processes that created them.

The environmental assessment was available for review and comment from August 9 to September 17, 2010. All scoping and EA comments were reviewed by park staff, and all relative and substantive comments were analyzed and considered throughout the planning process. The document is still available through the "document list" link at left.

A Scenic Vista Management Plan Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was completed. This document records the decision of the National Park Service to restore and protect scenic resources as described in the Selected Action of the FONSI, which was derived from the Preferred Alternative presented in the EA.

Contact Information

Mail: Superintendent, Yosemite National Park
Attn.: Scenic Vista Management Plan
P.O. Box 577
Yosemite, CA 95389
Fax: 209/379-1294
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