Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Management Plan

Rock Creek Park » Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Management Plan » Document List

A wireless telecommunication facilities plan is being prepared to meet the conditions of the 2003 Rock Creek Park Telecommunication Facilities Environmental Assessment (EA) Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) which states that the National Park Service will:

Develop and adopt a telecommunication facilities plan to assist the park in future decision making regarding potential telecommunication facilities permit applications.

The 2003 EA, which resulted in a FONSI, was conducted as a result of litigation pertaining to two existing wireless telecommunication facilities in the park and the process leading to their authorization. As a result of the 2003 FONSI, the NPS is also conducting a 3-year bird study that centers on neotropical birds, to enrich the understanding of the impacts of these facilities on this park population. Another federal agency, the National Capital Planning Commission will consider the current planning and the bird study – when it reviews wireless telecommunication applications for the park.

Trends in siting wireless telecommunication facilities suggest an increase in demand for appropriate sites to fill coverage gaps. A wireless telecommunication facilities plan is needed to provide a consistent and coordinated process for considering special use permit applications throughout Rock Creek Park administered units and assist the park with the protection of natural and cultural resources, human health, visitor safety, and visitor experience.

Contact Information

3545 Williamsburg Lane NW
Washington, D.C. 20008-1207