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Snake River Headwaters Comprehensive River Management Plan

Grand Teton National Park » Snake River Headwaters Comprehensive River Management Plan » Document List

The Snake River Headwaters were designated as a Wild and Scenic River (WSR) by Congress under Public Law 111-11 on March 30, 2009 (known as the Craig Thomas Snake Headwaters Legacy Act of 2008). The Headwaters includes 13 rivers and 25 separate river segments in portions of Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway, the National Elk Refuge, adjacent Bridger-Teton National Forest, and a small portion of state and private lands. Due to the large size of this WSR designation, the National Park Service / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Forest Service have developed separate management plans for river segments within or along their respective administrative jurisdictions.

Through extensive public involvement, the jointly developed Snake River Headwaters Comprehensive River Management Plan (CRMP) provides long-term guidance for managing outstandingly remarkable values among the river segments administered by the National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

The CRMP indicates that where private lands are involved, the boundary marks the area within which the National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will collaborate with local communities and landowners in developing effective strategies for protection. The boundary also defines the area in which these two agencies have land acquisition authority. Existing land ownership, whether federal or non-federal, cannot be used as a factor in determining the boundary. The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act does permit fee acquisition of up to an average of 100 acres/mile and easement acquisition on any land within the boundary from willing landowners. However, the federal government cannot condemn private lands within designated wild and scenic river corridors that have more than 50% federal ownership—which is the case for all designated segments within the Snake River Headwaters. Furthermore, the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act does not provide the federal administering agency the authority to regulate non-federal lands.

Contact Information

Grand Teton National Park
Planning Office
PO Drawer 170
Moose, WY 83012-0170
(307) 739-3465