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Warm Water Invasive Fish Management at the -12 Mile Slough
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area » Warm Water Invasive Fish Management at the -12 Mile Slough » Document List
The presence of non-native fish in Glen Canyon, Marble Canyon, and Grand Canyon threatens the populations of native and federally listed fish species, including the humpback chub and razorback sucker, and the rainbow trout sport fishery. Non-native fish are passing through the Glen Canyon Dam due to lower Lake Powell surface elevations. Lower lake levels in 2022 and 2023 resulted in higher dam outflow temperatures, leading to smallmouth bass and green sunfish reproduction below the dam. Reducing reproduction in the River Mile -12 Slough could help reduce the likelihood of downstream expansion and establishment in Glen Canyon, Marble Canyon, and Grand Canyon.
The EA is being prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to provide a decision-making framework that effectively evaluates potential issues and impacts to the area's resources and values.
Contact Information
Buddy Fazio, Chief of Science and Resource Management928-608-6265