Revision of 9B Regulations Governing Nonfederal Oil and Gas Activities

Natural Resource Stewardship and Science Directorate » Revision of 9B Regulations Governing Nonfederal Oil and Gas Activities » Document List

NPS is revising 36 CFR Part 9, Subpart B (the "9B regulations") that governs non-federal oil and gas development within the boundaries of units of the National Park System. The current regulations have been in effect for over thirty seven years and have not been substantively updated during that period. NPS has prepared a final environment impact statement (FEIS) analyzing potential environmental impacts associated with a range of reasonable alternatives for regulating non-federal oil and gas development impacts on park resources such as wildlife, including threatened and endangered species, vegetation, wetlands, and cultural resources.

Contact Information

Edward Kassman, Jr.
Project Manager - Rulemaking
Geologic Resources Division - NPS

Michael B. Edwards
Project Manager - EIS
Environmental Quality Division - NPS