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Special Resource Study, Miami Circle - Miami, Florida
Southeast Regional Office » Special Resource Study, Miami Circle - Miami, Florida » Document List
(1) a replica, representation, or "ghosting" of the Miami Circle to be placed over the feature (if it were covered with soil);
(2) a building to house visitor contact facilities, restrooms, drinking fountains, and/or a museum;
(3) a security fence;
(4) small-scale parking facility; and/or
(5) an observation platform.
All management options assume minor development costs such as construction of an interpretive trail, waysides, a kiosk, and other interpretive media. Management of the site would entail landscape maintenance and maintenance of the seawall (which will soon be repaired/replaced by the State of Florida). Long-term costs could also include, depending on the management option chosen, facility maintenance, on-site personnel and routine law enforcement (see appendix B).
To complete the study, the National Park Service is asking for your input and comments on what you believe is the best management option for the future of the Miami Circle site after you have read this study. It will be helpful to us to know not only which option you believe is the best, but also, what aspects of the option you like and dislike and why.
The responses we receive from you will be considered and summarized with the other responses we receive. The study, along with the summary of the responses and the NPS findings, will be forwarded to the Secretary of the Interior, who will then transmit the study to Congress.
Your comments and the summary will be given to the State of Florida so that the state, or any future manager of the site, will have the benefit of your comments. In order to comment on this study, click on the "Open for Public Comment" link in the left navigation to download the newsletter and make comments on this project.