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Development Concept Plan and EA for Facilities and Infrastructure at FOPU
Fort Pulaski National Monument » Development Concept Plan and EA for Facilities and Infrastructure at FOPU » Document List
The National Park Service has selected alternative B from the plan/EA for implementation. The selected action will establish new desired conditions for visitor use and experience, natural and cultural resources, and facilities and infrastructure; relocate the entrance station and widen the entrance road; improve visitor center parking and visitor safety; improve picnic area Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) accessibility; relocate Volunteer-In-Parks (VIP) campsites; and construct a new building for maintenance, resource programs, and law enforcement staff and equipment. The plan/EA also establishes visitor capacities for Cockspur Island.
This alternative addresses an overall lack of accessible, sustainable, and appropriate spaces to adequately meet the national monument's visitor, staff, and operational needs. This decision has been made after considering environmental impacts on resources, including the cultural landscape, historic structures, archeological resources, floodplains, wetlands, vegetation and soils, and visitor use and experience. Impacts on the cultural landscape are primarily beneficial, and adverse impacts may be temporary or mitigated through additional research and documentation for National Register of Historic Places eligibility and additional compliance and consultation once design ideas are better developed. Impacts on historic structures are also beneficial and adverse, with adverse impacts mitigated by additional research and documentation for national register eligibility before future actions not in this plan. No adverse impacts on archeological resources are anticipated, as archeological survey and testing will proceed before ground disturbance and known archeological resources will be avoided to the greatest extent possible
Similarly, proposed facilities will be harmonious with park resources, compatible with natural processes, aesthetically pleasing, functional, energy and water efficient, cost-effective, and universally designed. The majority of proposed facility and infrastructure development will be constructed on previously disturbed sites, elevated upon dredge spoils. For example, natural resource floodplain value loss will be minimal at these locations.
The FONSI explains why the selected alternative (i.e., the proposed action and preferred alternative contained in the plan/EA) will have no significant effects on the natural or human environment. The FONSI is based on the EA, as well as the comments received from the public and interested parties, agencies, and staff during the public review period.
The National Park Service has determined that the proposed action is not likely to result in significant impacts on the human or natural environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement will not be prepared and a FONSI has been issued. The plan/EA and FONSI are available for viewing online here on the NPS Planning, Environment, and Public Comment (PEPC) website.
Contact Information
Melissa MemorySuperintendent
101 Fort Pulaski Road
Savannah, GA 31410