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Fort Matanzas General Management Plan

Fort Matanzas National Monument » Fort Matanzas General Management Plan » Document List

The National Park Service is pleased to announce that the development of a general management plan to guide the future of Fort Matanzas National Monument is underway. The general management plan and accompanying environmental impact statement will serve as the blueprint for the future management of the park.

Understanding the General Management Plan

All parks in the National Park System are required to develop a general management plan (GMP). The GMP represents the broadest level of planning conducted by the National Park Service (NPS). It will describe the general path the NPS intends to follow in managing Fort Matanzas National Monument for 15- 20 years. GMPs are developed in consultation with NPS program managers, interested parties, and the general public and focus on what resource conditions and visitor experiences are appropriate and should be achieved and maintained over time. General management planning provides broad guidance about the best way to achieve resource protection and visitor experience goals. Specific details regarding facility construction, interpretive program development, and maintenance techniques will be specified in implementation plans, such as resource management plans and interpretive plans that tier off the GMP. These plans are separate from the GMP.
To comply with the National Environmental Policy Act and NPS policy, the GMP will be combined with an environmental impact statement (EIS). The GMP/EIS will identify significant issues and concerns, present a reasonable range of management alternatives, and analyze the environmental impacts of each of the alternatives.

Contact Information

David Libman
GMP Project Leader
National Park Service
100 Alabama Street
1924 Bldg.
Atlanta, GA 30303