Lathrop Day Use Area Restoration Project

Canyonlands National Park » Lathrop Day Use Area Restoration Project » Document List

This project aims to beautify and restore the Lathrop Day Use Area by performing the following work:
1.Paint toilet floor.
2.Trim branches along the access road in the final 100m leading to the day use area to a reasonable width for one way traffic to pass through.
3.Remove tamarisk trees adjacent to the boat ramp, picnic area, parking area, and toilet. Treat the stumps with garlon to limit re-growth. Use the slash to block social trails in the area. Place any remaining slash in the river.
4.Spread a patch of gravel in front of the toilet.
5.Remove exotic weeds from the immediate area, including goat head burrs at the Lathrop Ledges river campsite.

Why this work is proposed:
1.The paint is peeling and spotty on the toilet floor.
2.Branches scratch up both sides of vehicles and limit visibility in the last 100m of the road into the day use area. This overgrowth is mostly tamarisk branches, and some willow branches.The road has not been trimmed for some time, and badly needs to be opened up.
3.Large tamarisk trees surround the day use area and obscure the view to the river and surrounding canyon. The invasive presence of this species manages to taint the otherwise beautiful area. Most of what one can see when standing in the parking lot is a twenty foot fence of thick tamarisk trunks and branches.
4.The area in front of the toilet is often very muddy because of clay soil and the fact that multiple river parties stop there and drip water all over the place while they are standing in line to use the facility.The bathroom floor is consequently very muddy and difficult to keep clean.
5.Tamarisk composes the overstory, and an assortment of non-native weeds comprise the understory of the Lathrop day use area vegetation.

Contact Information

Sabrina Henry 435-719-2135