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Merced River Plan Implementation: Repurpose Village Sports Shop to Visitor Welcome Center

Yosemite National Park » Merced River Plan Implementation: Repurpose Village Sports Shop to Visitor Welcome Center » Document List

The 2014 Merced River Plan Record of Decision calls for the repurposing of the existing Village Sport Shop within the Village Store building as a visitor contact station. The 1980 General Management Plan also called for the removal of the Village Sport Shop retail visitor service. This repurposed space will greatly improve visitors' sense of arrival and directly benefit visitors coming to Yosemite Village for initial orientation and information.

The analysis documented in the Development of Lands and Facilities chapter of the Merced River Plan determined that the Sport Shop facility could be relocated outside the river corridor, but was not necessary for public use or resource protection. For this reason, it was identified as a service that could be removed and the facility repurposed to enhance the visitor experience and sense of arrival.

This project includes the following actions:
- Selective demolition and hazardous material abatement
- Rehabilitation of historic character-defining features
- Installation of circulation desk, interior walls and shelving, information displays, staff restroom, office/work space, breakroom
- Installation of HVAC system, insulation, utility feeds, communication equipment
- Fire safety, accessibility, and other code compliance upgrades
- Redesign of approaches, entrances and exits
- Construction of orientation plaza with comfort station, orientation features, seating