PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Wawona Fire Station Geotech Investigation

Yosemite National Park » Wawona Fire Station Geotech Investigation » Document List

A geotechnical investigation is needed for the structural design of a foundation system for a new fire station in Wawona. The selected geotechnical engineering firm will drill four exploratory vertical eight inch diameter soil borings to depths ranging from five to fifty feet (or refusal) with a truck mounted drill rig using hollow stem auger techniques. Samples will be obtained at various depths. An engineer and his support truck will maintain a log of the soils encountered and obtain samples for visual examination, classification, and laboratory testing. Upon completion the borings will be backfilled with all excavated soil.

The borings will be located at the approximate locations shown on the attached site plan. One boring to fifty feet (or refusal) will be located east of the existing Fire Management Office (FMO) trailer (this will be inside the footprint of the new fire station), one boring to twenty feet will be in the approximate location of the existing FMO trailer (this boring will also be within the footprint of the new fire station) and two borings to five feet will be located south of the existing FMO trailer (these borings will be in the parking or driveway aprons).