PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Wawona School New Play Structure Installation

Yosemite National Park » Wawona School New Play Structure Installation » Document List

The new prefabricated jungle-gym will be identical to the equipment recently installed at the Yosemite Elementary School. Like that equipment, this structure will feature natural subdued colors of green, brown, gray and black, replacing bright yellow, red and blue equipment. The result will be a play area that blends easily into the forest landscape that surrounds the schoolyard to the north.

The area where the structure will be located is the site of the existing swing and jungle-gym and is previously disturbed ground.

Construction will require over twenty footings approximately 20 inches deep, which will be dug by hand or light auger. The holes will be similar to the Yosemite Elementary School footings – as the structure is built by the same vendor.

Construction time will be late August and early September. Labor will be provided by community volunteers, Yosemite Rotary and UC Merced Rotaract clubs (a student division of Rotary).