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Fire Management Plan EA Revision

San Juan Island National Historical Park » Fire Management Plan EA Revision » Document List

Dear Park Friends:

The National Park Service (NPS) is preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) to revise the existing Fire Management Plan for San Juan Island National Historical Park (SJNHP). There are several items the park would like to incorporate in the revision. These include: the park expansion at English Camp (Mitchell Hill), add project areas for hazard fuel reduction, and to update the operating guidelines for project implementation including the use of mechanical methods and continued use of prescribed fire to accomplish park management objectives.

Most forest, shrub, and grass ecosystems rely on fire to maintain their vegetative structure and species composition. Fire historically played a critical role in the health and maintenance of the park's ecosystems. NPS policy recognizes that fire is an important ecological and evolutionary force in many terrestrial ecosystems. Due to the proximity of the park to private lands and residences, it is crucial that the park work with adjacent land owners. This cooperation will assist in restoring and maintaining the desired conditions within the park, and will reduce the risk of wildland fire spreading to property outside of the park.

As SJNHP begins developing the EA, your comments and concerns regarding this proposal are paramount early in the process. There will be a public scoping meeting held in Friday Harbor to further discuss and collect public comments. The public scoping meeting will be held on Thursday, January 12, 2012 at the Mullis Senior Center from 5-7 p.m. Please send your comments and concerns to: San Juan Island National Historical Park, Attn: Fire Management Plan Environmental Assessment, by February 10, 2012.


Lee Taylor, Superintendent

Contact Information

Jerald Weaver
Chief of Integrated Resources