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Visitor Use Site Management Planning
Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area » Visitor Use Site Management Planning » Document List
reservoir in the Pacific Northwest, stretching over 130 miles
from Grand Coulee Dam to Onion Creek, 16 miles south
of the US-Canada border. The National Park Service (NPS)
manages more than 300 miles of publicly accessible shoreline
that provides a wide range of recreational opportunities.
The recreation area's waters, shorelines, and upland areas
provide visitors opportunities ranging from solitude to group
activities, encompassing a variety of recreational possibilities.
Boating, fishing, camping, picnicking, and sightseeing are a
few of the activities supported by this regionally popular and
nationally significant recreation area.
The NPS is in the process of evaluating potential management
strategies for improving visitor experience at nine priority sites:
• Evans
• Marcus Island
• Kettle Falls
• Keller Ferry
• Spring Canyon
• Porcupine Bay
• Gifford
• Hunters
• Fort Spokane
These sites provide a variety of recreation facilities to support
activities such as camping, boating, fishing, and picnicking.
The NPS is evaluating existing conditions at these sites and
the need for management strategies and improvements
to better serve a diversity of visitor needs and enhance the
quality of the visitor experience.
The NPS will host two online public meetings: May 7, and May
13, 2020. (See Document List for Links). The
purpose of these meetings is to share information and answer
questions about the Draft Visitor Use Site Management Plan
and Environmental Assessment (VUSMP/EA). These will be live
online meetings, and participants will be able to ask questions
via the chat function online. Formal comments on the Draft
VUSMP/EA will only be accepted through the NPS planning
website or if submitted in writing to the Superintendents office..
The preferred alternative in the Draft VUSMP/EA presents
a variety of management strategies and supporting
improvements at the nine sites. Potential long-term
implementation of the VUSMP would occur over the next
20 years or more in phases. Funding for implementation is
not yet identified, and multiple funding sources would be
needed to support proposed improvements.
Contact Information
Jon Edwards 509-754-7876Denise Bausch 509-754-7830