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Lake Mead Cottonwood Cove and Katherine Landing DCP/EIS
Lake Mead National Recreation Area » Lake Mead Cottonwood Cove and Katherine Landing DCP/EIS » Document List
We are pleased to present the final Development Concept Plans/Environmental Impact Statement for the Cottonwood Cove and Katherine Landing areas of Lake Mead National Recreation Area. The plans are the culmination of several years of effort involving the thoughtful input and participation of hundreds of individuals, many public agencies and numerous outside organizations and stakeholder groups. These plans supplement the 1986 General Management Plan and the 2005 Lake Management Plan.
The new plans for Cottonwood Cove and Katherine Landing describe how each area may be redeveloped for visitor experience and safety, commercial services, resource protection and park operations. The plans focus on what the National Park Service believes best fulfills its mission and responsibilities giving consideration to economic, environmental, technical, and other factors. The selected actions will enhance visitor experience and park operations while continuing to provide a variety of day use and overnight services at the two locations along with additional flood protection.
Lake Mead National Recreation Area has become a recreational destination for over six million visitors per year due primarily to the spectacular setting and variety of recreational opportunities available. We sincerely thank those who have helped shape these Development Concept Plans and we invite all friends of Lake Mead National Recreation Area to join us in bringing the vision of the plan to fruition.