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Request For Civic Engagement for Recreation Fee Increase Proposal

Joshua Tree National Park » Request For Civic Engagement for Recreation Fee Increase Proposal » Document List

Joshua Tree National Park is one of the units of the National Park Service which collects recreation fees under the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA ) authority. The park has collected fees since 1965 and uses the recreation fee revenues to fund various projects that are directly beneficial to visitor recreation in Joshua Tree National Park.

Park fee collection rangers provide customer service and useful information for the visiting public. They are usually the first and may be the only rangers with whom park visitors have a chance to interact. Fee collection rangers are also an extra set of eyes and ears for becoming aware of possible violations of establish park policies and regulations.

Joshua Tree National Park utilizes the fee revenues to fund various projects. These projects include enhancing public safety, maintaining recreation sites, providing educational experiences, building informational wayside exhibits, funding interpretive programs, and allows the park to continue to offer a wide range of recreational and cultural opportunities.

With increased visitation and demand, the park recreation fee program is facing some challenges. The majority of fees have not increased since 2006, and there continues to be a growing need for funds to improve facilities, infrastructure and visitor services in the park. New revenue from the fee increases will be used to continue provide enhanced visitor services including repair and maintenance of facilities, capital improvements, enhance amenities, while still providing for resource protection.

Currently, Joshua Tree National Park's fee rates are below other parks. Our proposal is to raise the entrance fees to be comparable with similar parks. The current price structure consists of $15 dollars for all the occupants of a single vehicle, $5 dollars for an individual, and $30 dollars for an annual park pass. Our proposed fee structure includes raising the single vehicle fee to $25 dollars, the individual fee to $12 dollars, the motorcycle fee to $20 dollars and $50 dollars for the Joshua Tree annual pass.

Contact Information

Jennie Kish Albrinck, 760-367-5520;
Jamie Richards, 760-367-3001