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Bighorn Canyon Trail and Access Plan

Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area » Bighorn Canyon Trail and Access Plan » Document List

Prior to the creation of Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area as a unit of the National Park Service on October 15, 1966, wildlife, Native people, trappers, miners and homesteaders had created a series of paths, trails and roads throughout much of the recreation area. Some of these paths and trails have been used by the park as corridors for movement of people for access to areas of interest to the public or for maintenance and protection of park resources. Other paths and trails have been left to nature to restore with little or no support from the park.

The lack of planned maintenance and management of the miles and miles of trails, paths and roads located in the park has impeded the ability of staff to effectively protect the resources, ensure safe visitor access to significant areas of the unit, and enhance public understanding of resources and recreation opportunities. Efforts to manage these resources have been limited by the lack of a comprehensive plan for management of the various trails, paths and roads that exist within the recreation area.

Absent the guidance of a comprehensive trails and roads plan, it is difficult for the park staff to determine how to allocate funding and staff time for maintenance, enforcement, interpretation or resource protection. A comprehensive analysis is needed to determine which trails or roads should be rehabilitated, which require increased maintenance, which require conversion to a specific type of use or which require elimination.

A Comprehensive trails and access plan will provide direction that will improve management and protection of park resources while enhancing the visitors understanding and appreciation for the resources of the park. It will also provide support documentation for staff to use when applying for grants or other funds that would enable them to compete more effectively for these limited dollars.

Thank you to those of you who attended our scoping meetings, or provided us with comments which were incorporated into the plan. We appreciate your comments and help in building a plan which will best serve the public and protect the resources of the park.

Contact Information

Christy Fleming
20 Highway 14 A East
Lovell, WY 82431
307 548 5416