Housatonic River CT Proposed Wild and Scenic River Designation

Northeast Regional Office » Housatonic River CT Proposed Wild and Scenic River Designation » Document List

Governor Malloy of Connecticut applied under Section 2(a)(ii) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to have 41 miles of the Housatonic River from the MA/CT border downstream to Boardman Bridge , New Milford, CT declared a component of the National Wild and Scenic River System to be managed and administered through the locally-led Housatonic River Commission. The National Park Service has reviewed the proposed nomination and has determined the river meets the requirements for eligibility and suitability for either a 2(a)(ii) or Congressional designation. The NPS' findings in the form of an evaluation was published for 90-day public and agency comment period, which is now closed. A summary report of the public and agency comments received is available on this site for review. The updated NPS Evaluation document is also available.

Contact Information

Liz Lacy (860) 670-5881