PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Lake Wilderness Verizon Connection

Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park » Lake Wilderness Verizon Connection » Document List

Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania National Military Park is proposing to allow Verizon to extend an underground cable line across park property on the Wilderness Battlefield.

Verizon is requesting that the park allow it to extend a buried fiber-optic cable line across 950 feet of park owned property on the Wilderness Battlefield. Park land runs between the two sections of the Lake Wilderness subdivision, thus dividing the neighborhood in two. In order to create more effective service to residents, Verizon would like to connect the cable lines now serving each half of the neighborhood. This would entail installing a buried fiber-optic cable, via directional boring, to a depth of two feet. The cable would be buried over top of a waterline that was installed in 2009.

Archaeological testing has been conducted along the length of the 950 foot corridor and no significant features or artifacts were discovered.

Under the guidelines of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, FRSP is soliciting public comments on this project. Written comments, either through this website or via postal letter, will be accepted only during the 30 day public review period.

Contact Information

Eric J. Mink
Historian and Cultural Resources Manager

Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania NMP
120 Chatham Lane
Fredericksburg, VA 22405