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Wrangell-St. Elias Listening Sessions
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve » Wrangell-St. Elias Listening Sessions » Document List
Public engagement will include all 23 resident zone communities, 13 of which have federally recognized tribal governments. Park stakeholders beyond the rural communities will be engaged as well. Public meetings began in 2018, continued in 2019, but are currently on hold due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Meetings will resume when feasible to hold in-person meetings and will continue until all surrounding communities have had a chance to meet with the Superintendent and the planning team.
A summary report describing the themes of comments received during 2018 is published on the park planning website (see link below). Additional communities where listening sessions will be held include Anchorage, Cantwell, Chistochina, Cordova, Fairbanks, Gakona, Glennallen, Mentasta, Northway, Tazlina, Tok, Valdez, and Yakutat. A separate news release will announce the dates and times for those listening sessions. This project description will be updated with meeting details once they are scheduled. In addition to attending a public meeting, the comment card (on the park planning website under the header "Document List") can be used to submit comments.