Design and Construct Landscape and Accessibility Improvements, Battleground National Cemetery

Rock Creek Park » Design and Construct Landscape and Accessibility Improvements, Battleground National Cemetery » Document List

Update, October 10, 2024: Comments received in response to the posting of the project design documents have been uploaded to this website. To access these comments, please click on the "Documents List" link on the left-hand side of this page. The comments can then be accessed by clicking on the link that says, "Comments Received from Consulting Parties Battleground Project."

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Update, October 10, 2024: The National Park Service is convening a second Consulting Parties meeting associated with the proposed landscape and accessibility improvements project at Battleground National Cemetery in Washington, D.C.

This invitation is being extended as part of compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). The project is primarily located within NPS property (U.S. Reservation 568), although a portion will extend into the District of Columbia right-of-way. As part of this project, NPS is proposing to construct a new, universally accessible walkway from the site's northwest corner along Georgia Avenue NW. Additional accessibility and landscape improvements, including extensive revegetation, are proposed as part of the project. These improvements would follow the treatment recommendations identified in the Cultural Landscape Report for Battleground National Cemetery, which is available to download here:

During the meeting consulting parties are anticipated to discuss mitigation measures for implementation.

The meeting, which will be held virtually on the Microsoft Teams platform, will take place on Wednesday, October 30, 2024, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. You can join at that time by accessing the following link: .

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Update, September 26 2024: The National Park Service has uploaded a high-resolution version of the design component of this project. It is titled "2024-0731 NPS BNC Consulting Parties Presentation-FINAL_508 Compliant_High Res.pdf" and can be found by clicking on the "Document List" tab on the left-hand side of this page, then clicking on the "High Resolution BNC Consulting Parties Presentation" link.

Please note that in order to submit comments on this project, you will still need to click on the "Open for Comment" tab on the left-hand side of this page. This project is open for public comment through 11:59PM on October 5, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact Nick Bartolomeo at

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The National Park Service is seeking comments from consulting and other interested parties regarding the proposed implementation of the Battleground National Cemetery Landscape and Accessibility Improvements Project.

The most prominent component of this project includes the construction of a new, universally accessible walkway from the site's northwest corner along Georgia Avenue NW that meets the Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards. The walkway would begin at the western perimeter wall and would be offset six feet from both the west and north walls before turning south for a length of approximately 85 feet to connect to the central walkway. This new entrance would require a six-foot-wide penetration into the historic stone masonry perimeter wall. The existing wall, which is located within the D.C. right-of-way, was built in 1900 when Brightwood Avenue (now Georgia Avenue NW) was widened, requiring the original cemetery retaining wall to be deconstructed and rebuilt approximately five feet east of its previous location.

A new black painted iron gate would also be installed in the new wall opening, which would be sufficiently differentiated from historic fabric to avoid creating a false sense of history. Additionally, new bluestone-clad, cast-in-place concrete walls with coping less than 32 inches in total height would be added along both sides of the new concrete walkway to allow the grade of the walkway to not exceed a 4.79% gradient.

During project planning, the project team considered three potential alignments for the walkway. The team ultimately selected this configuration, as it has the smallest footprint, is the least impactful to the historic design of the cemetery, and provides visitors with essentially the same entrance experience, as both the stairs and walkway would lead visitors to the same location in front of the Superintendent's Lodge. The new walkway alignment also has historic precedent, as a north-south walkway originally ran parallel to the western wall prior to circulation changes that occurred prior to 1897, as depicted in an 1893 map included in the Battleground National Cemetery Cultural Landscape Report.

Other project elements include the following:
• Reestablishment of missing deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs.
• Reestablishment of missing shrub plantings along the central walkway with inkberry (Ilex
• Reconstruction and enlargement of the central walkway leading to the flagpole and
cemetery headstones from 3.5 feet to five feet wide to meet ABAAS requirements.
• Modification of the site's bluestone entrance steps and landing back to their historic
configuration and elevations.
• Installation of new painted metal handrails along entrance steps.
• Replacement of the existing concrete walkway and patio pad in front of the
Superintendent's Lodge, which are in poor condition.
• Removal of the existing historic metal gate and installation of a new wrought metal
entrance gate at the bottom of the steps that would be similar in design to the historic gate.
• Partial removal of an underground, broken terracotta drainage pipe in the vicinity of the
new walkway and replacement with a PVC pipe to tie into the city's stormwater system.
• Installation of new metal trench grate in the new walkway to drain storm water into the
city's stormwater system.
• Replace broken runnel (surface concrete drain) behind the historic wall and implement
grading and drainage measures to divert water away from the west wall and northwest wall
corner that is causing damage. Repair, repointing, and cleaning the western retaining wall,
including the northwest corner, wall piers, and the cannon piers.
• Cleaning the two concrete urns atop of the western retaining wall.
• Installation of two new water hydrants onsite to maintain the cemetery landscape and
new plantings in optimal health.
• Slight relocation of the interpretative wayside exhibits to accommodate the enlarged
central walkway.

The National Park Service has uploaded the notes from the first Consulting Parties meeting, held July 31, 2024, in the "Document List" link on the left-hand side of this Web page. This file is titled "Final Battleground National Cemetery Consulting Party Meeting Notes."

The NPS portion of the meeting presentation - - titled "Battleground Improvements Project Consulting Parties July 31 2024 Meeting Presentation" - - is also uploaded to the Document List and is open for public comment from 12:00 August 22, 2024 through 11:59PM on October 5, 2024.

The portion of the presentation by the park's contractor, which focused specifically on project plans, is also uploaded to the Document List page. This file is titled "2024-0731 NPS BNC Consulting Parties Presentation-FINAL_508 Compliant."

If there are any questions about these materials, please contact Cultural Resources Program Manager Cortney Cain Gjesfjeld and/or Resources, Lands and Planning Manager Nick Bartolomeo by email or phone, please see the "Contact Information" section below.

Contact Information

Rock Creek Park Cultural Resources Program Manager Cortney Cain Gjesfjeld, 202-895-6067,
Rock Creek Park Resources, Lands and Planning Manager Nick Bartolomeo, 202-895-6010,