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Brawner Farm-Deep Cut Vistae Enhancement
Manassas National Battlefield Park » Brawner Farm-Deep Cut Vistae Enhancement » Document List
The purpose of this assessment is to implement an action approved in the Park’s General Management Plan; the clearing of approximately 140 acres of timber between Brawner Farm and Deep Cut in Manassas National Battlefield Park. The mission of Manassas National Battlefield Park is to preserve the historic landscape containing historic sites, buildings, objects, and views which contribute to the national significance of the First and Second Battles of Manassas, for the use, inspiration, and benefit of the public. The non-historic woodlands impacted by the proposed clearing directly limits visitor understanding, specifically of the Second Battle of Manassas. Historically this area was pastureland and the fighting was almost entirely on open ground. Removal of these woodlands and restoration of the landscape is crucial to the purpose and reason for designation of this land as a National Park. Enhancement of this proposed vista will allow the public to experience a similar view as the combatants did during the battle, contributing to a better understanding of both battles.
Copies of the EA are available on request from: Superintendent, Manassas National Battlefield Park, 12521 Lee Highway, Manassas, Virginia 20109. Additional copies will be available at the following libraries: Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas Central Library, Centreville Regional Library, and in the Virginia Room of the Fairfax City Library. The EA is also available through the Internet in .pdf format at: (follow the “Management Docs link to find the EA) and at the Henry Hill Visitor Center (6511 Sudley Rd, Manassas).
The 30-day reviewing period will end October 28, 2005. All comments should be submitted to the Superintendent, Manassas National Battlefield Park, 12521 Lee Highway, Manassas, Virginia 20109 or by FAX 703/754-1107. Questions regarding this EA should be directed to Robert Sutton, Superintendent, at (703) 754 -1861.
Contact Information
Robert SuttonSuperintendent
Manassas National Battlefield Park
12521 Lee Highway
Manassas, VA 20109