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Tour Boat Operations

Voyageurs National Park » Tour Boat Operations » Document List

Voyageurs National Park encompasses 218,000 acres, 40% (84,000 acres) of which is comprised of water. The park has over 655 miles of undeveloped shoreline, and more than 500 islands. The primary large lakes of the park include the United States portions of Rainy, Namakan, and Sand Point Lakes, and all of Kabetogama Lake. Additionally, the northern shore of Crane Lake forms a portion of the park boundary. Watercraft travel is a primary method for exploring the park. Many visitors coming to the park may not have access to watercraft, making tour boat operations essential to providing an opportunity for people to connect to the natural and cultural resources of the park.

Currently the NPS operates two tour boat opportunities within the park, one out of the Rainy Lake Visitor Center, located 15 miles east of International Falls, MN; the other from the Kabetogama Lake Visitor Center, in the community of Kabetogama, MN. Boat tours typically begin in mid-June and operate through the end of September.

Public input will be used to aide in development of management options for future potential operations of this public service.