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Archeological testing in the Jenkins Lot (Block 11, Lot 5) in 2015

Lincoln Home National Historic Site » Archeological testing in the Jenkins Lot (Block 11, Lot 5) in 2015 » Document List

The project will continue testing that occurred during the previous two summers that was directed at discovering if intact mid-19th century archeological resources are present at the Jameson Jenkins lot. Expanding on the 2013 and 2014 work, which was limited to the excavation of a block of 6 contiguous units altogether comprising 4.5 square meters in the northwestern park of the house lot, investigations in 2015 will reopen and expand on this area in an attempt to verify the location of the southwest corner of the mid-19th century structure, more completely define the extent of a possible subfloor storage pit under the western end of that structure, and verify the superimposition of a second subfloor storage pit.

Jameson Jenkins was a drayman (teamster) living just 1/2 block south from the Lincoln family. He was listed as a mulatto originally from North Carolina in the census. During the 1850 slave riots in Springfield, he helped transport runaway slaves from Springfield to Bloomington, IL, about 60 miles away. The site is listed on the National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom.

Contact Information

Tim Townsend, 217-391-3241