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Plant maples and gum trees in area between sidewalk and 8th Street, maples on Jackson between sidewalk and street, and apple tree in Lincoln Home backyard

Lincoln Home National Historic Site » Plant maples and gum trees in area between sidewalk and 8th Street, maples on Jackson between sidewalk and street, and apple tree in Lincoln Home backyard » Document List

Using the park's Cultural Landscape Plan (2014), maple and gum trees will be planted where suggested in the area between the sidewalk and 8th and Jackson streets. The trees are being planted to maintain the canopy of trees created when the original inhabitants planted trees in the 1840s and 1850s. Also, a second apple tree will be planted in the Lincoln Home backyard to match what the Lincolns had in their backyard in 1860. The maples and gum species chosen are native to the area. The trees chosen will be 2-3 calipers in size and will have a root ball of approximately 2-3' diameter, or the equivalent of a 30-gallon pot. The species chosen will include Red Maple, Norway Maple, and Black Gum, none of which drop large seeds or acorns that would cause safety issues since they are close to the public sidewalk. The apple tree, listed in the Landscape Plan as "Hybrid Apple" will be chosen from native heirloom species and will most likely be a summer fruit-bearing tree to match the existing tree.

Contact Information

Sheryle Lindley, 217-391-3229