Hunting Guides EA

Katmai National Park & Preserve » Hunting Guides EA » Document List

An environmental assessment (EA) in which the National Park Service is proposing to alter existing guide areas and client numbers associated with hunting guide concessions within Katmai National Preserve. In the past, NPS has authorized two hunting guide concessions in Katmai National Preserve: the Moraine guide area occupies the majority of the Preserve, and the Sugarloaf guide area occupies the southwest corner of the Preserve. The current contract period will end on December 31, 2012. The EA was written to analyze impacts of the proposed actions, alternative actions, and a no-action alternative. The comment period for the EA will extend 30 days, beginning June 22, 2012 and ending July 23, 2012.

Contact Information

Bud Rice
National Park Service
240 W 5th Ave
Anchorage, AK 99501-2327