2021 WEAR Superintendent's Compendium Proposed Changes

Kobuk Valley National Park » 2021 WEAR Superintendent's Compendium Proposed Changes » Document List

Western Arctic National Parklands, which includes Cape Krusenstern National Monument, Kobuk Valley National Park, and Noatak National Preserve, is proposing updates to the Superintendent's Compendium for 2021.A compendium is a written compilation of designations, closures, permit requirements and other restrictions adopted under the Superintendent's discretionary authority. This regulatory tool helps manage Alaska's national park areas for the public's enjoyment, use and protection.

After review and consideration of the need for annual updates, the following change is proposed.

Electric Bicycles.
Updates are proposed regarding the use of electric bicycles (e-bikes) to reflect recent regulatory changes. The e-bike entry under 36 CFR 13.50 will be replaced with the following:

4.30(i)(1) Designated roads, parking areas, and trails open to electric bicycles, or specific classes of electric bicycles
• No Areas Designated

4.30(i)(7) Electric bicycle use restrictions/conditions
No additional restrictions or conditions in areas designated as open to electric bicycle use. See 36 CFR 4.30(i) for more information.

The proposed changes to the 2021 Superintendent's Compendium will be open for public review and comment from January 15, 2021 through February 15, 2021. Western Arctic National Parklands will review and respond to any substantive public comments received during this time. NPS responses to public comments will be posted to PEPC prior to finalizing the updates to the 2021 Compendium.
