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Hodgdon Meadow NADP Monitor Relocation and Replacement
Yosemite National Park » Hodgdon Meadow NADP Monitor Relocation and Replacement » Document List
At the new location, a hole 12" in diameter and 18-24" deep will be excavated and filled with cement to create an anchor for the new sensor. The new sensor will be mounted on a single pole and should not exceed 5' in total height for ease of collection. A trench approximately 6" deep, 3" wide and 25' long will be dug from the rain gauge to the southwest to run wiring to the new sensor. Excavation work will be completed using hand tools.
The desired work window to complete this upgrade is late September or early October 2020.
The National Park Service Air Resources Division co-sponsors this site with the National Trends Network within the National Atmospheric Deposition Program. The NADP is co-located with the State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin.
Site information:
National Atmospheric Deposition Program:
National Trends Network: