Lehman Caves Visitors Center Area Fuel Management

Great Basin National Park » Lehman Caves Visitors Center Area Fuel Management » Document List

This project will reduce hazardous fuels within Great Basin National Park's Mission 66 era Lehman Caves Visitors Center (LCVC) and day-use picnic areas. Total project area is 22 acres. Project goals are to increase defensible space and reduce the risk of structural damage or loss in the event of a fire. Tree cover and density will be reduced by tree removal (thinning) and limbing of target species including pinyon pine, juniper, and mountain mahogany.

The following prescriptions will be used to maintain defensible space within the project area.

• Only pinyon and juniper will be cut. All deciduous trees will be left.
• Slash and cut material will be chipped or made available as firewood.
• Remove all conifers within 10 ft of structures.
• Remove all conifers within 20 ft of propane tanks and electrical boxes.
• Remove all conifers within 50 feet of roads as the project boundary allows.
• Remove trees within 10 feet of the amphitheater circle.
• Lop and scatter conifer seedlings (< 4 ft high) in previously thinned areas and in the northern sections of the project area
further from the road and picnic area.
• In higher density stands along the park entrance road and behind the picnic area, reduce conifer cover by 25%.

Cut material and slash will be removed by a combination of mechanical chipping and firewood disposal to park residents and/or the local community. No prescribed fire or pile burning will occur within the project area. NPS fuels or fire crews will conduct treatments.

Contact Information

Thomas Kearns