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Tuolumne River Plan Implementation: Rehabilitate Tuolumne Meadows Campground

Yosemite National Park » Tuolumne River Plan Implementation: Rehabilitate Tuolumne Meadows Campground » Document List

This project was selected for implementation in the 2014 Record of Decision for the Tuolumne River Plan (TRP)/EIS (PEPC 14043). This project must adhere to mitigation and stipulations specified in the Final EIS/Record of Decision; the standard NHPA Section 106 process, the Biological Opinion for the TRP, and permit requirements.

This project will relocate campsites and roads out of the floodplain, add restrooms, formalize campsites, improve the trail system, upgrade the amphitheater, and overhaul water and wastewater lines in the Tuolumne Meadows Campground. The design will retain the current capacity of 329 sites (including 304 tent/RV sites, four horse campsites, and 21 backpacker sites) and seven group sites.

Campground improvements include:
• Add two restrooms and upgrade existing restrooms. Add two 500 square foot Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standard (ABAAS) compliant restrooms, one at Group Camp and one in campground Loop C. Repair or replace leaking water and wastewater lines and install low-flow fixtures in new and existing restrooms.
• Convert the east side of the Campground A-loop from a vehicle/pedestrian route to a pedestrian trail (about 2,960 linear feet). Relocate 14 Loop A campsites within 100 feet of the edge of the Tuolumne River to a new Loop H. Relocate 5 additional Loop A campsites to the new Loop H for access road improvements. Park crews will restore the riverbank and floodplain to natural conditions.
• Repair campground roads. Though the campground roads were paved in 2016, new road work will be required with the addition of new campsites, restrooms, drainage improvements, and changes in grade with new parking pads.
• Formalize camping spaces to reduce resource damage. Campsites will be enhanced with hardened parking pads, new picnic tables, fire rings, and food storage containers. The project will improve paths of travel from the parking pads to the tent sites.
• Overhaul water and wastewater lines. Completely replace 16,000 linear feet of the failing water distribution system. Replace 2,450 feet of the antiquated sewer collection system along with 15 manholes.
• Convert the pit toilet for winter skiers located behind the campground office to a vault toilet.
• Formalize the trail connection between the campground and the John Muir Trail and provide a new trail connecting the campground with the store and grill.
• Upgrade the deteriorated amphitheater. Repair and replace warped, splintered, and missing wooden amphitheater seats; replace the cut logs used for Junior Ranger amphitheater seats as needed; repair eroded and unstable access routes to the amphitheater and repair fire ring.