Project Links
Proposed Approval of Planned Sports Court (Basketball/Volleyball Half-Court)
Green Springs National Historic Landmark District » Proposed Approval of Planned Sports Court (Basketball/Volleyball Half-Court) » Document List
The NPS reviews the owner's request under the terms of a conservation easement that it holds for their property. The review is limited to the scope and terms of the easement, and does not also address any additional reviews, requirements, or restrictions of Louisa County or other authorities, such as those of the county Code of Ordinances.
The NPS proposes a determination of No Adverse Effect to Historic Properties by—and thus its approval of—the planned project under the terms of the easement.
For details of the project and of the proposed NPS response, see the document, "Sports Court Background Information Packet" in the "Document List" of this webpage. The information packet includes a description of the planned project and of the NPS review-to-date, proposed conditions regarding unanticipated archeological discoveries, location map, site-plan, delineation of Area of Potential Effect, elevation/schematic drawing, and site photographs.
Comment may be offered on the information in the packet and on the proposed NPS response by clicking the "Document List" link at upper left, then clicking on the document itself.
Contact Information
Contact InformationNoel Harrison,
Manager of Easements
(540) 693-3200 x1020