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Ahwahnee Grease Interceptor Improvement (CFF 2020)
Yosemite National Park » Ahwahnee Grease Interceptor Improvement (CFF 2020) » Document List
The proposed grease interceptor will be positioned south of the existing interceptor and will include trenching to connect associated piping to the existing sewer line approximately 15 feet to the west. This will include construction of two new manholes. This new grease interceptor will bypass a section of the existing piping between the existing interceptor and the lift station, which is located approximately 130 feet to the northwest. The undertaking will require ground disturbance of approximately 15 feet wide x 40 feet long x 8 feet deep to install the equipment, and a maximum disturbance for trenching of 100 feet long x 24 inches x 60 inches deep for the associated piping and two manholes. The existing piping will be left in place . Fill will be replaced on top of the equipment and the area will be rehabilitated.
The tasks for this effort include the following:
1. Excavate and install new interceptor
2. Connect new interceptor to existing lines and/or tie into existing lines
3. Test and backfill
4. Re-grade and re-pave where disturbed in excavation