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Repairs to Administration Building, Dock and Grounds at Red Hook Area (MARIA)
Virgin Islands National Park » Repairs to Administration Building, Dock and Grounds at Red Hook Area (MARIA) » Document List
Nearly all the grounds and structures at Red Hook are located within the FEMA 1% Annual Flood Hazard Area. Additionally, the entire Red Hook site is below the 100-year base flood elevation (BFE) of 9 feet (NAVD88), and much of it is within the coastal high hazard flood area. This facility is therefore subject to frequent inundation and high wave actions such that drainage and flooding problems often result from storms. The dominant source of flooding is wind-driven storm surge in association with hurricanes and other severe storms.
The proposed project would repair major storm damage to Virgin Islands Nation Park's Red Hook facilities, including damage to the administration building, dock, and grounds. The proposed work includes replacing the roof, windows, doors, and reconfiguring the interior floor plan in the administrative building, as well as repaving of the road and parking area, and construction of a new combined comfort station and maintenance shed to serve park operations and provide improved services to the community and park visitors while accessing the grounds. Additional sidewalks would be constructed to improve access to both the Administration Building and the proposed new comfort station. Interior work within the building would allow this building to be functional for park daily operations and to serve as an Incident Command Center during emergency operations.
In addition to structural repairs to the administrative building, the proposed project includes construction of a new comfort station on the grounds for public use of the community and park visitors. Although the boat dock is not available for public use, the area is heavily used by the community for picnicking and gathering. This building would be designed to replicate the Mission 66 design of the Administration Building and would also have one side of the building designed as a storage area for the mowing/maintenance equipment.
The preferred location for the comfort Station is adjacent to and west of the Administration Building. The existing sanitary system would be replaced with an Environmental Treatment Unit (ETU) system in the same location as the existing septic tank. This would include replacement of all underground sanitary piping from the Administration Building to the tank since the condition of the pipe is unknown and may be compromised.
Contact Information
Nigel Fields, Superintendent1300 Cruz Bay Creek
St. John , VI 00830
(340) 776-6201