Degnan's Entrance Pavement Replacement (YH 2018)

Yosemite National Park » Degnan's Entrance Pavement Replacement (YH 2018) » Document List

The asphalt in front of Degnan's Restaurant and Loft is cracked and presents significant safety hazards for visitors. A tree in the path was removed and the remaining tree well continues to increase in size as the pavement fails. This area is a trip hazard and "dust pit" in dry weather, and fills with water and mud in wet weather. The southeast pathway is the primary entrance from the bike and promenade in Yosemite Village. This project will remove the non-historic asphalt and replace it with exposed aggregate paving with redwood spacers to match the covered walkway along the building on the same side.

This project would remove the existing pavement and replace it with exposed aggregate paving with redwood spacers to match the existing walkways and patios adjacent to the building.

The outdoor dining areas (covered walkway along west elevation and patio at north end) with exposed aggregate paving and redwood spacers are character-defining features of the historic building. In recent analysis of historic photos, the tree that was removed does not appear to have been present during the period of significance. The pathways and entrance changed significantly when the road and parking area were converted to a pedestrian mall.