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Repair and replace rotting sheathing and sister 2x4 studs on north side of Dubois House (HS-15)

Lincoln Home National Historic Site » Repair and replace rotting sheathing and sister 2x4 studs on north side of Dubois House (HS-15) » Document List

As part of the painting project on the Dubois House (PEPC 74141), a frieze board was removed, uncovering extensive rot on the north side of the house in the middle section. The rot was caused by leaking gutters over this section. The gutters have been repaired but the sheathing boards under the siding have completely rotted. The original 2 x 4 studs behind the sheathing boards are soft to the depth of no more than 1/2" on the outer face but have not completely rotted. This project will remove and replace the OSB sheathing board in kind, and sister modern 2 x4s on either side of the original studs using long screws to attach the boards on either side. The studs will be sistered through the entire length of the stud, approximately 18' from sill to rafters. The new studs will be marked "2018".

Contact Information

Jason Taylor, 217-391-3235