PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Remove ash-borer damaged Ash trees from either side of Jackson Street in the 400 block

Lincoln Home National Historic Site » Remove ash-borer damaged Ash trees from either side of Jackson Street in the 400 block » Document List

Thirteen Ash trees on either side of Jackson Street have been damaged by the Emerald Ash-borer pest too much to be saved and need to be removed for safety and environmental reasons. The trees line the street heavily used by pedestrians between the visitor parking lot and the Visitor Center and form a canopy overhead. The longer the trees remain in place, the limbs will become very brittle and may fall on a visitor or the picnic tables located in the same area, requiring their removal as soon as possible. Trees native to the area will be planted this fall as soon as a landscape designer is consulted for appropriate replacements.

Park staff will remove the upper limbs and the trunks down to the ground. Contractors will grind out the stumps and remove the debris.

Contact Information

Jason Taylor, 217-391-3235