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Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site Trail Plan Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect

Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site » Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site Trail Plan Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect » Document List

Hopewell Furnace National Historical Site's Trail Plan and Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect (EA/AoE) is available for public review and comment beginning on Monday, June 18th. The public will have until July 19, to provide comments.

The Hopewell Furnace National Historical Site Trail Plan and EA/AoE seeks to improve wayfinding and visitor information throughout the park's 12-mile trail system. The Trail Plan and EA/AoE identifies three alternatives: Alternative 1, the no action alternative; a preferred Alternative 2, which is improves signage and wayfinding throughout the park and creates a new recreational hiking trail connecting the western and eastern portions of the park; and Alternative 3, which would implement the same improvements to signage and road crossings as described under Alternative 2, as well as create a shared-use path for bicycle and pedestrian connection between the western and eastern portions of the park.

Contact Information

David Blackburn
(610) 582-8773, ext 230