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Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site Trail Plan Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect
Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site » Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site Trail Plan Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect » Document List
The Hopewell Furnace National Historical Site Trail Plan and EA/AoE seeks to improve wayfinding and visitor information throughout the park's 12-mile trail system. The Trail Plan and EA/AoE identifies three alternatives: Alternative 1, the no action alternative; a preferred Alternative 2, which is improves signage and wayfinding throughout the park and creates a new recreational hiking trail connecting the western and eastern portions of the park; and Alternative 3, which would implement the same improvements to signage and road crossings as described under Alternative 2, as well as create a shared-use path for bicycle and pedestrian connection between the western and eastern portions of the park.
Contact Information
David Blackburn(610) 582-8773, ext 230