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Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument Management Plan
Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument » Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument Management Plan » Document List
In the coming years, the national monument will take shape through public input and involvement. You are invited to join this effort.
What is a management plan?
The National Park Service has committed to completing a management plan for Katahdin Woods and Waters in three years. Management plans establish the overarching vision for the public lands and guide the direction for future work and activities. The plan will be available for public review and comment prior to its finalization.
Listening Sessions
In the fall of 2016, a series of community listening sessions were held in Stacyville, Medway, Millinocket, and Bangor. Over 550 interested citizens attended these sessions and numerous others shared written comments by e-mail and mail, and in person. A report may be requested by emailing
Shin Pond Workshop Report
On August 8, 2017, a workshop was held at Shin Pond Village in Mount Chase. The workshop was an opportunity for the National Park Service to hear more from the community about potential infrastructure connected to Lower Shin Pond and road access within the monument. A report and compilation of the comments may be requested by emailing
Next Steps
In the coming months, we will continue to meet with organizations, state agencies, schools, towns, and businesses to learn more about opportunities for the new monument.
Continuing throughout 2018 and 2019, we will host a series of discussions to further explore the topics identified in the listening sessions.
Announcements for those events will be shared on this web page and through e-news updates. Sign up for the e-newsletter by emailing
Contact Information
Tim HudsonPO Box 446
Patten, ME 04765
(207) 456-6001