This project presents a site plan for the empty lot in the northwest corner of the park and the streetscape in front of the Visitor Center. Project staff considered existing visitor environments where the visitor's need for information intersects with the ability to create an appropriate experience for the place. This plan analyzed major gaps in visitor use and understanding provides an approach for addressing these challenges. The plan recommends outdoor media including wayfinding signs, wayside exhibits or three dimensional elements. All proposals are consistent with the Long-Range Interpretive Plan and Cultural Landscape Treatment Plan/EA. This plan guides further defines the wayside exhibits, entrance nodes, and congregation areas in front of the Visitor Center and proposes a Peace Garden to provide orientation and interpretation during and after hours. These amenities will better assist visitors in making connections to park themes and the surrounding environment of the park, South Bass Island, the Battle of Lake Erie, and the ongoing International Peace we enjoy with our Northern neighbors in Canada. The plan provides design development drawings to represent a vision for enhancing these park components.
Contact Information
Superintendent Barbara Rowles, 419-285-2184