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Cascades PG&E Substation Wall Installation
Yosemite National Park » Cascades PG&E Substation Wall Installation » Document List
Project actions consist of the following:
1. Replacement of the existing fence (at the northwest, southwest, and southeast sides of the site) with a masonry wall.
a. This will consist of 120 linear feet of masonry wall.
b. Walls will stand 15' above the bottom elevation of the transformer.
c. Grade beams will be incorporated in line with the masonry wall.
d. Outrigger beams perpendicular to the wall will be located at intermediate points of the wall.
e. Pier foundations will be located at the end of the outrigger beams.
f. Work on the pier and shallow foundations will be performed by hand digging (unless a drill rig can be accommodated).
2. Construction of a drive-over berm and trenching with grating at northeast section of the site.
3. Modification of the existing SPCC pond walls as needed to accommodate the new wall barrier.
4. Replacement of the existing asphalt berms with concrete berms.
5. Patching of the existing SPCC ponds walls as needed.