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Hovenweep National Monument Proposes Entrance and Camping Fee Increases
Hovenweep National Monument » Hovenweep National Monument Proposes Entrance and Camping Fee Increases » Document List
Beginning January 1, 2018, we propose to reinstate entrance fees at Hovenweep National Monument in accordance with the 2014 National Park Service standard pricing model for FLREA fees as shown below.
Proposed Entrance Fees:
$7 Individual (walk up or bicycle)
$10 per motorcycle
$15 private vehicle
$50 Southeast Utah National Parks Annual Pass
All entrance passes are valid for up to seven days at the park where they were purchased. The Southeast Utah Parks Pass ($50.00) is valid for one year through the month of purchase and admits one (1) private, non-commercial vehicle or its pass holder to Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, and Hovenweep and Natural Bridges National Monuments.
Visitation to Hovenweep has increased almost 60% from 2014 when the decision was made that entrance fees collected were not sufficient to cover cost of collecting those fees. A new analysis was completed that showed anticipated revenue would be sufficient to collect fees. These fees will provide funds for deferred maintenance and visitor service projects.
Entrance Fees are not charged to persons under 16 years of age or to holders of the America the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Senior, Access or Military Passes.
Beginning March 1, 2018, we are proposing to increase camping fees at Hovenweep National Monument from March 1 to October 31 each year.
Current Camping Fees
March 1 - October 31 $10.00
November 1 - February 28 $10.00
Proposed Camping Fees
March 1 - October 31 $15.00
November 1 - February 28 $10.00
Camping fees have remained at $10 since at least 1998. Costs, including supplies and labor, have risen. Comparability rate studies are underway to ensure that park campground rates do not undercut business at private campgrounds in nearby communities. Increased camping fees will provide additional revenue to fund campground operations and deferred maintenance projects.
Recent projects completed with FLREA funds at Hovenweep include rehabilitation of the Holly trail, replacement of the water well, and replacement of gutters on the campground restroom. Most projects were completed by employees hired from local communities.
Comments regarding these fee increase proposals may be submitted electronically on the NPS Planning, Environment, and Public Comment (PEPC) website at:
Comments may be sent to:
National Park Service, Natural Bridges National Monument, Attn: Superintendent, HC60 Box 1, Lake Powell, Utah 84533
or to
National Park Service, Southeast Utah Group, Attn: Planning and Compliance Coordinator, 2282 S. West Resource Blvd, Moab, Utah 84532
Feedback from these comments will determine how, or if, fee changes will be implemented.
Deadline for comments on the proposed fee increase is September 22, 2017.
Contact Information
Planning and ComplianceNational Park Service
2282 SW Resource Blvd.
Moab, UT 84532